A Sum Greater Than Its Parts

Archive photo of SCP-2467 unusually close to shore in 1995. No photographs of the object's current configuration are available.
Item #: SCP-2467
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Foundation satellites are to constantly track the movement of SCP-2467, with analysts and programs predicting the movements of the object, with plants in the meteorological bureau to divert traffic from areas likely to be visited by SCP-2467. In addition, the SCPS Sunderland, a fully armed Legend-class cutter, will be dispatched to patrol areas where SCP-2467 is likely to come into contact with other vessels. SCPS Sunderland is to be equipped with a minimum of two rigid bottomed motor life boats to aid in rescue of survivors of encounters with SCP-2467, along with high impact naval weaponry to aid in discouraging the object from attacking civilian, merchant and military vessels. Absolutely no aircraft is to be deployed in the area of SCP-2467's area of operation, due to the severe weather phenomena associated with it.
Where possible, waste dumped by SCP-2467 is to be collected by Foundation watercraft and taken to the nearest Foundation research site for study.
A disinformation campaign is to be run following a Boarding and/or Abduction event. Typical explanations to be provided include user error, sinking via rough seas or rogue waves, mutiny, and pirate encounters. Amnestics are to be administered to any and all survivors and witnesses of SCP-2467 and its activities.
Description: SCP-2467 is a large oceangoing ship approximately 300 metres in length and 45 metres in width, bearing the nameplate "DV Toluca". Research personnel have been unable to find any record of a ship matching the Toluca's description that has been registered to any port in the last 138 years. Of note is that components of SCP-2467 come from a wide variety of other sea craft, including some such as the flying bridge dating back to at least the 1700's along with various naval weapons which operate autonomously. It primarily travels in deep water and searches for other vessels in an effort to abduct crew and appropriate cargo, before leaving the vessel adrift.
Weather patterns in a 5 kilometre radius of SCP-2467 consistently display adverse and at times violent conditions regardless of and often in direct contrast to the given ocean state at the time. Observation has shown near constant moderate rainstorms and thick fog in the area surrounding SCP-2467, accompanied by moderate to strong winds and slightly rough waters. In addition to the rain, wind, and fog detailed above, winds have been known to reach speeds of over 125kph, and waves reaching an average peak height of 25 metres when attempting to disable another ship. It should be noted that there are outliers, such as a 42 metre[1] high wave recorded on February 20, 1958[2]. Whirlpools of varying severity have been also spotted appearing in the bough wake of SCP-2467 on multiple occasions.

Japanese fishing vessel Ryou-Un Maru following a boarding by SCP-2467.
SCP-2467 is operated by a maintenance crew, corresponding to approximately 75 individuals abducted from other vessels encountered by the object. Observance has shown that those on board SCP-2467 tend to adapt to the stress of their abduction and behave in a manner described as "cheerful" within a short time frame following abduction. This is believed to be a form of mind-affecting anomaly, as shown by any person coming into contact or close proximity with SCP-2467 for an extended period of time (3-10 days depending on the individual) coming to believe that SCP-2467 is correct in its actions, and will gain a strong desire or obsession towards aiding it however possible. Gradually, this causes a degenerative condition in the brain of the person, to the point where the individual loses any semblance of independent thought at approximately 4 to 5 months after initial contact.
Roughly every 40 days, SCP-2467 dumps a large amount of waste bundled into a net out of a rear port in the ship. Waste materials tend to be composed of damaged or worn ship components and tools, along with food scraps, empty bottles, clothing, scrap metal, fuel waste, and human cadavers.
Addendum 2467-01: Following incident SCP-2467-12, Foundation personnel recovering waste materials deposited by SCP-2467 are to work in teams of 6, with a minimum of 2 personnel to monitor the water for approaching sharks and other marine carnivores[3].
Addendum 2467-02: Known vessels currently incorporated into SCP-2467[4]Vessel Name | Description | Date Reported Missing/ Recovered | Explanation of Disappearance | Parts Integrated into SCP-2467 |
Toluca | 16th-century ship of the line | 27/10/1745 | Commandeered and presumably sunk by pirates | Flying bridge, 20 cannons |
SV Sea Bird | Merchant brig | 08/02/1750 | Crew taken by pirates | Anchor, various timbers |
HMS Heureux | 22-gun privateer brig | 14/04/1806 | Lost at sea | 7 cannons |
HMS Juno | 26-gun frigate | 12/3/1880 | Sunk by a rogue wave | 3 cannons, sails |
SS Warratah | 150m steam ship | 26/7/1909 | Sunk in a storm | 2 masts, hull |
U-52 | German armed submarine | 20/02/1940 | Destroyed in a naval minefield | Hull sections, torpedoes |
Roma | Italian battleship | 20/09/1943 | Sunk in naval battle | Hull sections, bridge and structural components, various guns |
MS München | LASH carrier | 19/12/1978 | Sunk by a rogue wave | Hull sections, cranes |
MV Derbyshire | Oil carrier | 09/09/1980 | Sunk in a typhoon | Hull |
SS Admiral Nakhimov | Ocean liner | 20/02/1989 | Collided with another vessel | Bow, funnels |
F/V Andrea Gail | Fishing vessel | 28/10/1991 | Sunk in 1991 hurricane | Hull sections |
USS Eldridge | Cannon class destroyer | 11/11/1999 | Sold for scrap | Hull sections, 3 × Mk. 22 50 caliber guns, 2 × 40mm Mk.1 AA guns, 8 × 20mm Mk.4 AA cannons, 3 × 530mm torpedo tubes |
Kaz II | 9m yacht | 18/04/2007 | Pilot error | Glass |
Sakapis P77 | Guided missile destroyer | 24/09/2011 | Decommissioned | 76mm gun, 40mm gun, 4 × MM38 Exocet launchers, Hull sections |
Addendum 2467-03:
Recent observation has shown a hull section identified as having originated on the SS Edmund Fitzgerald, which disappeared on Lake Superior on November 10 1975. Investigation into how SCP-2467 reached the Edmund Fitzgerald despite its location in an inland lake is ongoing.
Clearance 2467/3:
Document #2467-I:
In an effort to better understand SCP-2467, particularly effects and any notable events occurring on board the vessel, four D-Class personnel trained in sailing (D-2467-01 - 04) were provided with a small (9 metre) yacht[5] launched from the SCPS Sunderland and given orders to sail north with the SCPS Sunderland tailing them at a distance of 7 kilometres with the intention of them being boarded and abducted by SCP-2467 to observe the activities of SCP-2467 and its effects on those aboard. Each D-Class was fitted with a helmet mounted waterproof video camera equipped with a flotation device and an external battery pack, rendering it capable of recording uninterrupted for up to 3 months. Footage captured was streamed directly to the SCPS Sunderland's observational department.Note: Due to the length of this test, extraneous and inconsequential events and details have been redacted for brevity.
█, 10:25AM: SCPS Joyita is successfully launched from the Sunderland and proceeds north.
Progress in test #2467-I continues without incident or notable activity for 5 days.
█, 02:29AM: Both the SCPS Joyita and SCPS Sunderland make visual contact with SCP-2467 to the northwest.
17/10/200█, 02:31AM: Strong westerly storm is manifested by SCP-2467. Waves of an average 4.5 - 6.0 metres and wind speeds of approximately 55kph are recorded. Fog rolls in reducing visibility to roughly 15 metres. SCP-2467 sounds its fog horn, and D-Class cameras show blue lights at the location of the vessel. D-2467-04 deploys fenders.
17/10/200█, 02:39AM: SCP-2467 approaches the SCPS Joyita. Upon sight of SCP-2467's weaponry, D-2467-01 turns the vessel 180° and attempts to retreat from SCP-2467.
17/10/200█, 02:40AM: SCPS Joyita ordered to turn and approach SCP-2467. D-2467-01 fails to comply.
17/10/200█, 02:40AM: SCP-2467 fires harpoons at SCPS Joyita, fatally injuring D-2467-02, and drawing the Joyita to its hull. A boarding party consisting of 5 crew boards the Joyita and attempts to abduct the surviving D-Class personnel, resulting in the termination of D-2467-01, D-2467-04 and 1 unidentified male from the boarding party.
17/10/200█, 02:48AM: D-2467-03 boards SCP-2467, is handed a chisel by an unidentified crew member, and told to scrape rust from some panels under threat of physical violence. D-2467-03 complies.
17/10/200█, 03:10AM: SCPS Sunderland successfully recovers the SCPS Joyita with no parts aside from supplies taken by SCP-2467, leading Foundation personnel to believe it had recently boarded and cannibalized parts from another, as yet unknown vessel.
Note: As of the events of the 17/10/200█, all recorded events are entirely documented by D-2467-03's camera.
█, 04:50PM: Video feed shows D-2467-03 is displaying signs of distress and pushing a trolley loaded with basic rations to crew members of SCP-2467. All crew with the exception of D-2467-03 are audibly humming an unidentified tune in unison.
█, 11:23PM: Video feed shows D-2467-03 still displaying signs of distress, hauling in a fishing net with 3 other crew members. An as yet unheard voice, hereby referred to as SCP-2467-01, seeming to come from the flying bridge orders crew member "Worthington" to be brought to the flying bridge. 4 crew members apprehend a young male crew member and escort him to the flying bridge, which has the door open[6]. Door to the flying bridge closes after "Worthington" is deposited inside. Vocalizations of distress produced from the flying bridge are audible for the following 7 days.
█, 06:55AM: Video feed shows D-2467-03 swabbing the port side deck, showing lower levels of distress. A lighthouse on the coast of████,████████comes into view, seemingly prompting SCP-2467 to adjust its course and head into more open waters.
█, 12:47AM: Video feed shows that D-2467-03 is still showing distress, but is no longer requiring guidance by other crew in undertaking tasks on the ship. D-2467-03 is securing hatches on the deck when a crew member looks to the starboard bow, spotting a fishing ship identified as the Grendel. Entire crew save for D-2467-03 gather on the deck equipped with grappling lines and ladders as SCP-2467 is seen to produce a very large plume of what appears to be black smoke from one of its funnels. Smoke enters the cloud cover above, producing a meteorological reaction. Heavy rain, waves up to 7 metres in height and wind reaching 70kph are recorded. Crew of the Grendel seen to request assistance from SCP-2467. Both crews work together to secure the Grendel to SCP-2467, followed by the 6 crew members of the Grendel being coerced onto SCP-2467 under the pretense of weathering the storm.
30/11/200█, 01:15PM: A crew member belonging to SCP-2467 is seen to produce a diving knife and fatally assault the captain of the Grendel[7]. Remaining crew members are escorted down into a lower deck as D-2467-03 and 3 other SCP-2467 crew descend a ladder onto the Grendel and salvage food, water, fuel, timbers and a segment of the hull, requiring a crane to lift onto SCP-2467's deck.
█, 03:22PM: Video feed shows that D-2467-03 is showing minimal signs of distress, laughing at an anecdote told by one of SCP-2467's crew as she sweeps the deck. D-2467-03 then hands her broom to another crew member and approaches a captive crew member of the Grendel[8] and addresses them as they work, leading to a brief dialogue. Transcript as follows.
D-2467-03: "You should jump off now, before it changes you. There's a big ship following, they might help you."
█████████:"What? What do you mean?"
D-2467-03: "The song gets in your head. Makes you happy. Makes it so you want to stay."
█████████: "Okay, okay. I'll jump, but you come with me, we can both escape."
9/12/200█, 03:26PM: D-2467-03 disregards█████████and returns to work.
Note: ████ █████ was recovered by the SCPS Sunderland approximately 20 minutes later and held for examination for a period of 6 weeks before being administered amnestics and returned to their family.
█, 06:13PM: Video feed shows that D-2467-03 no longer displays any sign of distress, and now hums with the crew of SCP-2467.
█, 08:05AM: SCP-2467-01 orders "Smith" and "Chi" to report to the refuse center. Video feed shows two heavily malnourished men, crew members known to be present prior to the abduction of D-2467-03, enter a lower deck. They are no longer seen at any point on D-2467-03's video feed or during observation by the SCPS Sunderland.
█, 11:19AM: SCP-2467-01 is heard ordering the crew to deliver D-2467-03 to the flying bridge. Video feed confirms D-2467-03 is once again displaying severe distress, and attempting to exit SCP-2467 with haste. Crew of SCP-2467 show coordinated teamwork in D-2467-03's capture, apprehending her 3:52 after SCP-2467-01 was heard. Crew escorts D-2467-03 to the flying bridge, with the video feed showing the door swinging open autonomously[9]. Interior of the flying bridge is obscured by an intense blue-green light, and seems to cause increasing amounts of static and tracking errors as D-2467-03 approaches the doorway. Video feed cuts out as D-2467-03 is thrown bodily into the doorway at 11:23PM.
██, 12:19PM: Video feed resumes showing total darkness until the camera abruptly emerges into a room, evidently out of a pipe, on top of a pile of refuse to be dumped off of SCP-2467. Contents of refuse bin include scrap metal, empty oxygen tanks, broken tools, severed body parts and a torn D-class jumpsuit[10] stained with blood and other unidentified fluids. The camera lens also appears to be coated in the same materials staining the D-class jumpsuit. Sounds of distress echo down the pipe, consistent with D-2467-03's voice albeit heavily distorted.
18/04/20██, 12:29PM: SCP-2467 crew member enters the room and manually places waste products into a fishing net, ties said fishing net closed, and pushes the net and its contents into a port in the floor. Video feed shows port leads to an opening in the stern of SCP-2467 and then the water.
Note: Waste net and camera were recovered by the SCPS Sunderland at 12:45PM.
Closing Statement: Following review of the footage gathered and DNA testing of the human remains recovered from SCP-2467, it was discovered that human remains contained within the waste collected did not belong to D-2467-03. Following this discovery, orders were given to collect any and all waste products dumped by SCP-2467 in an effort to determine how long it would take for D-2467-03 or her remains to be dumped by SCP-2467. Tooth, hair and isolated skin fragments determined to belong to D-2467-03 were recovered on the 2/05/20
██at 12:47AM. Research concluded that an as yet unknown process had caused D-2467-03 to undergo a form of catabolism, breaking down tissue into a liquid state. Lack of other remains suggests that the resulting material was used for an unknown purpose on board SCP-2467.
Believed to have been a combination of SCP-2467's weather altering effects and the rough sea state at that time ↖
This is the only known instance of SCP-2467 successfully bringing down a low flying aircraft. ↖
Presumably attracted towards SCP-2467 due to its frequent dumping of edible material and cadavers ↖
Various sections of SCP-2467 have not yet been matched to known watercraft. Given that a ghost ship is typically discovered once every two years, efforts are being made to determine just how many of these can be attributed to SCP-2467. ↖
Dubbed the SCPS Joyita ↖
This is the first of only 2 times this door has been recorded open. ↖
Identified as Mrs.
████████↖ -
Identified as Mr.
█████████↖ -
The second recorded instance of this occurring ↖
Confirmed to be that worn by D-2467-03 ↖