Great Big Nothing

Item #: SCP-4022
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4022 is contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-███. SCP-4022 is not to be permitted access to psychiatric care. Personnel are not permitted to discuss the mental state of SCP-4022, verbally or otherwise.
Description: SCP-4022 is a 60-year-old Asian-American man, formerly known as ███ ████. SCP-4022 exhibits symptoms of severe dementia. Further information about SCP-4022 should not be provided to individuals without 4-4022 clearance.
Recovery: SCP-4022 was recovered after an incident at ███ █████████ Hospital in ███ █████████, California, during which a doctor fell comatose after composing a psychological report about SCP-4022. Three more doctors fell comatose before Foundation operatives were able to intercept and recover SCP-4022.
Further information about SCP-4022 is restricted to personnel who have received the appropriate battery of memetic inoculations. There's a great big nothing in the middle of his head. By continuing to read this page, you are agreeing to submit to psychological screenings under the SAFEGUARD protocol. Any personnel reporting decreases in pattern recognition are to report to on-site counseling staff.
There's a great big nothing in the middle of his head. Any description of the great big nothing in the middle of his head that does not refer to it exclusively as such is a Class III infohazard.
When an individual is made aware of the great big nothing in the middle of his head by any means that does not use the acceptable designation, that individual becomes a host of the great big nothing in the middle of his head. Symptoms of the great big nothing in the middle of his head progress as follows.
- Stage 1: Affected subjects experience a marked decrease in pattern recognition.
- Stage 2: Affected subjects experience a marked decrease in ability to perceive patterns, even when they are not recognized as such. Ordered sequences of numbers, letters, shapes, or colors have been described as "blurry" and "translucent". These effects appear to be mitigated when the patterns are in motion, or when the patterns make reference to the great big nothing in the middle of his head.
- Stage 3: Affected subjects lose all ability to recognize, construct, or perceive patterns, including ones that make reference to the great big nothing in the middle of his head. Affected subjects lose the ability to speak coherently, read, and write. Motion is significantly inhibited.
- Stage 4: Affected subjects enter a comatose state before expiring shortly after.
Neurological imaging of affected subjects reveals a great big nothing in the middle of his head. Images of the brains of all subjects, including SCP-4022, are considered Class III cognitohazards and are only to be handled by SAFEGUARD's on-site digital imaging software.
It is theorized that the great big nothing in the middle of his head is a Class II antimemetic infohazard capable of residing within and consuming human consciousnesses. SCP-4022's resistance to its effects is thought to be caused by its dementia, which prevents it from forming coherent patterns of speech or thought. It is also theorized that referring to the great big nothing in the middle of his head as such prevents it from being understood by the speaker as a formally extant entity, thereby mitigating its cognitohazardous effects. The convention of referring to the great big nothing in the middle of his head as such has been standardized to prevent accidental contamination.
Interview Report 4022-3
The following is a transcript of an interview conducted on ██/██/2013, approximately █ months after initial containment, in order to assess the viability of psychiatric care for SCP-4022. Dr. ████████ conducting, Dr. ██ supervising.
████████: Hello, SCP-4022.SCP-4022 is silent.
████████: We wanted to ask you a few questions about getting you some help.SCP-4022: Badcall. Oughtn't assistance.
████████: You don't want treatment?SCP-4022: Treatment ordermaker hungry greatbig.
████████: SCP-4022, please try to structure your sentences.SCP-4022: Structure food strongmake greatbig.
████████: Excuse me?SCP-4022: Unsense orderspeak greatbig starvation. Structure food strongmake greatbig. Fourwalls unsense. Fourwalls starvation.
████████: You're speaking like this deliberately?SCP-4022 nods its head.
████████: Would you be interested in receiving psychiatric treatment?SCP-4022: Treatment ordermaker. Orderspeak greatbig. Headache.
████████: Very well. We'll talk tomorrow.SCP-4022 nods its head.
Interview Report 4022-6
The following is a transcript of an interview conducted on ██/██/2013 in order to determine more about SCP-4022's condition. Dr. ████████ conducting, Dr. ██ supervising.
████████: Could you tell us about the first time you noticed something was wrong?SCP-4022: Puzzlebuilder. Puzzlemath ordermaker, strongmake greatbig.
████████: You were a mathematician?SCP-4022: Can't mathmake no more. Ordermake strongmake greatbig. Can't ordermake no more. Had to— had to—
SCP-4022 becomes visibly distressed.
████████: You had to…SCP-4022: Had to— had to order— had to stop— couldn't strongmake—
████████: Take a deep breath, SCP-4022. What did you have to stop doing?SCP-4022: Ordermake strongmake greatbig. Strongmake greatbig get out fourwalls.
████████: You had to stop thinking ordered thoughts.SCP-4022: Other— other greatbig ordermake weak. Greatbig deepsleep, greatbig deepdark. My— my— my ordermake strong. Mathmaker ordermake, puzzlemaker puzzlemath. My greatbig strong. Can't— can't— can't strongmake greatbig.
████████: You're—SCP-4022 taps its forehead.
SCP-4022: Fourwalls. Greatbig starvation fourwalls. Greatbig strongmake, strongmake, strongmake, fourwalls— fourwalls— fourwalls collapse, greatbig— greatbig— can't— can't—
SCP-4022 puts its head in its hands.
████████: I understand. Thank you, SCP-4022.
SAFEGUARD Report 4022-40
Analysis of images: SAFEGUARD's on-site digital imaging software was deployed to analyze and interpret a brain scan of a person suffering from Stage 4 of the great big nothing in the middle of his head.
Subject's brain exhibits FRONTAL LOBE DECAY (83%) of an ADVANCED nature. Subject's brain exhibits OCCIPITAL LOBE DECAY (67%) of an ADVANCED nature. Subject's brain exhibits TEMPORAL LOBE DECAY (70%) of an ADVANCED nature. Subject's brain exhibits a GREAT BIG NOTHING (NaN%) of an UNDEFINED nature. Subject's brain exhibits a GREAT BIG NOTHING (NaN%) between the FRONTAL and OCCIPITAL lobes. There's a GREAT BIG NOTHING in the MIDDLE of his HEAD.
Analysis of SAFEGUARD's digital imaging software revealed across-the-board processing delays within SAFEGUARD's software. SAFEGUARD has been taken offline indefinitely and replaced with a backup. No further testing is scheduled at this time.