
A Potato Thirst

pixel art image of scp-4420
-- Pixel art by Scary Lemon

Item#: 4420

Level2 Restricted

Containment Class: neutralized

Secondary Class: none

Disruption Class: none

Risk Class: none


SCP-4420 in its current state. Photo taken from a safe distance of 50 meters.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4420 is currently contained 150 meters from Site-82 in a localized artificial pocket dimension, housed in Tentative Containment Module #819. Para-technicians have installed a Scranton-Marlowe Topology Stabilizer (or SMTS) to maintain dimensional stability in the chamber.

Description: SCP-4420 is a red Idaho potato with a current mass of 400,000,000 kg and external dimensions of 150 meters by 65 meters by 55 meters. SCP-4420 displays the following ectoentropic properties:

1. SCP-4420 recuperates moisture shrinkage (~5% every two weeks) by generating a random amount of solid potato matter. During this event, a random Idaho citizen's drinking water transforms into starch-rich potato-flavoured water, granting the ability to commune with potatoes for 3 to 10 hours upon consumption.

2. Exposure to visible EM radiation produces potato matter of a randomized form. The new matter relates to potatoes at various conceptual levels, be that immediate or vague. The new matter grows alongside SCP-4420, attaching themselves via esoteric means beyond current agricultural understanding. Observed forms include:

3. SCP-4420 displays an innate immunity to decay. SCP-4420 consumes organic irregularities almost immediately after they develop and produces healthy potato matter in their place.

4. SCP-4420 consumes food and organic waste within a 20-meter-wide area. Any organic matter entering this area transforms into a potato tuber of equal mass, which teleports into SCP-4420. Organic matter includes small animals up to 10 kg in mass.

At the time of documentation, SCP-4420 has been growing for ~22 years.


I. May 10, 2019

Field researchers discovered foreign fluid with trace amounts of thaumic contaminant in the local groundwater. Site-82's Command Office initiated Mandate 3731-Ov91, which calls for immediate lockdown and destruction of foreign substances. The area-wide lockdown was successful — not accounting for SCP-4420, due to its containment location.

At 2151 CDT, SCP-4420 absorbed thaumic emission and developed sapience that lasted for a period of 32 hours. During this time, SCP-4420 displayed the ability to manipulate informational constructs. This led to the dissemination of 362 separate SMS messages to researchers on-site. A series of received messages are as follows.

can you see me

pls look at me

im big

look at me

do you think im pretty

is that what i rly look like

no way

is that how you see me ☹️

you cant see me like this

im not good enough am i

not for you

how could i be

leave me alone

im a monster

im sorry i look this way

II. May 12, 2019

At 0551 CDT, SCP-4420 ceased all anomalous growth and began to show signs of accelerated decomposition.

SCP-4420 is currently classified as Neutralized.